Monday, December 15, 2008


Can you believe that Christmas is only like ten days away? I am so overwhelmed. this year has been tough for so many reasons. Not the least of which is that I lost my last two grandparents within about six months of each other. I just have not been able to focus and get anything accomplished. I still have gifts to buy, gifts to make, gifts to wrap, cards to send out, sweets to bake, and the list goes on and on. Not to mention my daily chores like the mountain of unfolded laundry in my hallway. (it's in a basket, no worries. :)

This weekend Chris let me have some time to myself to get a few things accomplished. It was so helpful and I am so thanful, but I really only got my house in some kind of managed chaos. I did decide that only a few decorations were going up this year, my way of keeping it simple.

Last night in the midst of posting to my other blog, doing the laundry, and baking cookies I really starting thinking about this madness that is known as the holiday season. Why do we wait to do nice things for people in December? Why is it that we try to cram a year's worth of how we feel about someone into a month?

Now, don't get me wrong, I do understand the meaning of Christmas. It is the celebration of our Lord's birth. I also understand why we give gifts this time of year, Jesus got gifts. But, couldn't we remember His birth everyday? Could we not give little gifts to the ones we love all the time? Maybe then I wouldn't feel so overwhelmed at this time of the year. Maybe if I made more of an effort all year I wouldn't feel like I had to make it up to everyone in December.

Okay, so here is my New Year's goal (I don't make resolutions :) I am going to try to really love the people that I love. I am not sure what that looks like, but I don't think I have been doing a very good job lately.


wilderlamb said...

I love the goal you've set. Can I also say that the fact that you made sure we knew not to worry because your laundry was in a basket totally made me laugh!

Me said...

thought i would give you a little comic relief! :)